Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Growing weary in doing good

Galatians 6:9    “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

There are many reasons for growing weary. One of those reasons is because we step away from God and deprive ourselves of the nourishment God provides through His Word and fellowship with believers. We grow weary in our efforts, missing the harvest ahead, because we’re busy trying to accomplish everything in our own strength without ever stopping at the cross of Christ.

If we look at the verse from Galatians, we see that reaping the harvest arrives in “due time”—that is God’s time and because of His work. Our responsibility in the equation, however, is to continue to do good work – meaning strive to fulfill the call on our lives according to Scripture truths; and to not give up –not allow difficult circumstances or challenges to cause us to throw in the towel and stop persevering to the end. We need to nurture our relationship with the Lord through being with God personally and with the body of Christ. We also need to ask God to shake up our priorities so that He is first in our lives as we look to the harvest ahead.

Gracious God, I pray that you will strengthen us when we become weary and help us persevere to see the harvest ahead. Thank you, Lord, for the work you are doing in us and through us. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.