Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mother God

It never ceases to amaze me the number of times in scripture that God is referred to in the feminine. Yet, how little we pass that image on to others. In our Gospel reading for this Sunday, Jesus refers to God as "a hen who gathers her brood under her wings."
What a beautiful image of God's loving, protecting arms encompassing us.

Too often these days we chose to live in isolation. I do not mean that we live as a hermit out in the wilderness alone from all inhabitance. What I am referring to is that you and I can be in a crowd and yet we choose not to interact with the people around us.  Instead we choose to plug our ears or focus our eyes on Ipods, Iphones or other technological gadgits and thereby isolate ourselves from making connections with each other. We choose to shut out the world around us. A world that is suffering and hurting. A world that so longs for the human touch.

Being a Christian is about relationships. Relationships with God and each other. It is about being the body of Christ and our willingness to embrace our suffering and hurting world. If we choose to ignore and isolate ourselves, God's Spirit is hindered in healing our world. If we choose to connect with God's creation, then healing will come.

During this Lenten Season, let your hearts choose to connect with God's heart and allow the Spirit to guide you to someone who's heart is hurting.  Then be prepared to see the world transform.

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